Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Caffeine Reflection

Caffeine Reflection

Q You can choose to write a paper, they should be 200-250 words (approx. one page double spaced). OR you can submit a video 3-4 minutes in length (must be in a format compatible with windows). Reflections, written or recorded should include: What you thought before, and how your discussions and research have impacted your opinion now (changed it, strengthened it or helped you form an opinion).

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A lot of research was carried out on Caffeine due to the discussion in the past two weeks. Caffeine is not only connected with the consummation of coffee. It can be further attached to the cognitive and physical performance of the person consuming it. It is also considered to be a psychoactive drug which influences the behaviour of the individual to a great extent. It was due to the serious research work that I got to know so much about the deeper effects of caffeine on concentration and memory. It makes the brain more active by getting rid of the sleepiness.